: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : : - Card Gallery Menu
PP Part 7
315 - 322
323 - 330
331 - 338
339 - 346
347 - 354
355 - 362
363 - 368

PP Part 8
369 - 376
377 - 384
385 - 392
393 - 400
401 - 408
409 - 416
417 - 424

: : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : :

This is the card gallery section of : : A.t.o.s.a.k.i : :. Each and every single one of the cards you see here are from my own private collection and were scanned, resized, batch converted and edited by myself. In so saying, I ask that you respect the vast amount of time and energy I've spent in putting up this gallery by not taking these scans and posting them on your own homepage without asking my permission first. I will most likely let you take the scans anyway, but it's nice to know where the scans are being posted on the web. Otherwise, enjoy the gallery of Sailormoon cards. =)

Note: On certain pages in the card gallery, you may come across a broken image. This is because at present, I don't have that particular card. If you happen to have the cards I'm missing, I would really appreicate it if you could send a scan of the respective card to me at atosaki@gmx.net. All credit will be given to you. Also, the quality of the thumbnails may not be the greatest, but the actual image is of excllent quality. Just click the thumbnail to view a larger version of the card. All thumbnails are in .gif format, while the actual image is .jpg. Well that's about it. Enjoy! ^-^

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